• Friendship Blvd
    Chevy Chase, MD
  • Loughboro Rd. NW
    Washington, DC
  • 2021 K St. NW
    Washington, DC

News & Articles

  • Exercise can modify fat tissue in ways that improve health—even without weight loss

    Exercise is one of the first strategies used to treat obesity-related health problems like type 2 diabetes and other cardiovascular disease, but scientists don't understand exactly how it works to improve metabolic health. To that end, University of Michigan researchers examined the effects of three months of exercise on people with obesity, and found that exercise can favorably modify abdominal subcutaneous adipose tissue, the fat tissue just beneath the skin, in ways that can improve metabolic health—even without weight loss.

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  • Patellofemoral arthritis symptoms and treatment

    Patellofemoral arthritis is a form of knee arthritis. It affects the joint where the kneecap meets the thighbone. People with patellofemoral arthritis may experience pain and stiffness in the knee, difficulty walking, and other symptoms that impact their quality of life.

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  • Vegetarian women are at a higher risk of hip fracture

    A study of over 26,000 middle-aged UK women reveals those with a vegetarian diet had a 33% higher risk of hip fracture compared to regular meat-eaters.

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  • Recovery from a hip fracture varies widely among NHS hospitals, study finds

    Each year more than 70,000 older adults are admitted to a U.K. hospital after a hip fracture, which can lead to a decline in quality of life, high mortality risk and, after discharge, high risk of emergency hospital readmission.

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  • New Technology May Help Stop Surgical Implant Infections

    Experimental technology could transform the surface of implants so bacteria won’t grow and cause infections in procedures such as knee and hip replacements.

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Contact Us

  • 5550 Friendship Blvd
    Suite 360
    Chevy Chase, MD 20815

    Fax: (301) 951-6160

  • 5215 Loughboro Rd. NW
    Suite 200
    Washington, DC 20016

    Fax: (202) 787-5606

  • 2021 K St. NW
    Suite 516
    Washington, DC 20006

    Fax: (202) 296-2515