Knee Braces for Running: Should You Use One?
Knee issues can be a common inconvenience for those who do much running. Many runners have decided to use the numerous braces available online and over the counter. You may wonder if these knee braces help the knee or prevent the development of knee issues.
Hip Replacement Surgery: Recovery
Recovery after hip replacement surgery usually takes around six to eight weeks.1 However, some people may have more extended recovery periods due to advanced age, activity level before surgery, or co-existing health conditions.
Easy Stretches for Hip Pain
Hamstring stretches, hip flexor stretches, straight leg raises, and bridges are just some of the exercises and stretches for hip pain. By keeping your hip joint limber and strong, you can improve your mobility, help with hip range of motion, and alleviate pain.
How fast can young TKA patients get back to sports?
That’s the question a team of Cleveland Clinic and Case Western Reserve researchers tried to answer with a systematic review of the literature. The team was hoping to quantify to determine rates, timelines, and prognostic factors which can determine how fast young TKA patients return to work and / or return to sports. Their work, “Return to Sports and Return to Work After Total Knee Arthroplasty: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis,” was published in The Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery on July 27, 2023.
Knee Pain at Night: Causes and Treatment
Knee pain at night is a common discomfort that can be caused by injury, arthritis, bursitis, gout, and more. This pain at bedtime is not only frustrating but also can lead to pain-induced insomnia, which can leave you exhausted during the day.