• Friendship Blvd
    Chevy Chase, MD
  • Loughboro Rd. NW
    Washington, DC
  • 2021 K St. NW
    Washington, DC


  • VTE Prevention: Is Aspirin Really That Good?

    Throughout the last decade, we’ve experienced a boom in anticoagulation options to help prevent venous thromboembolism (VTE) associated with orthopaedic procedures. The use of aggressive anticoagulation, such as warfarin and various heparin formulations, is being questioned, largely due to concerns about bleeding risks and wound complications.

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  • A User Manual for Your Knees

    Your knee routinely feels the force of five to eight times your body weight with every step, making it the most taxed joint of the human body. A knee is designed to withstand millions of steps during a lifetime, but sometimes all that stress can cause your knees to break down. What can you do to prevent knee pain? And stop the pain you may already feel? We’ve designed our knee guide to teach you how to keep knees working for years to come.

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  • Dr. Melvin visits Capitol Hill to advocate on behalf of joint replacement patients

    Dr. J Stuart Melvin, MD joined a group of physicians and surgeons along with the American Association of Hip and Knee Surgeons (AAHKS) on Capitol Hill on March 1st, 2019. The group advocated for patient and surgeon needs with legislators and legislative staff and the Committee on Ways and Means.

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  • Dr. Melvin honored as a Top Doctor 2018 by Washingtonian Magazine

    Peer recognition. Nearly 12,000 physicians in DC, Maryland and Virginia nominated those colleagues whom they respected most. Dr. Melvin was among them.

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  • Facts About Outpatient Knee Replacement

    It is possible for a patient to be safely discharged home the same day after partial or total knee replacement surgery, without ever being admitted to a hospital. Outpatient knee replacement currently accounts for only a small percentage of all knee replacement surgeries in the US, but experts believe it will become more common over the next decade.

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Contact Us

  • 5550 Friendship Blvd
    Suite 360
    Chevy Chase, MD 20815

    Fax: (301) 951-6160

  • 5215 Loughboro Rd. NW
    Suite 200
    Washington, DC 20016

    Fax: (202) 787-5606

  • 2021 K St. NW
    Suite 516
    Washington, DC 20006

    Fax: (202) 296-2515